
Wisely detect infection just through observing suture color

Surgical site infection (SSI) is one of the most cost exorbitant complications after surgery. Approximately 0.5% to 3% of patient undergoing surgery will experience infection at or adjacent to surgical site incision. Which makes those patient to hospitalize 7 to 11 days longer.

In the US mortality rate is increased 11 time in patients with SSI, in addition  to that plenty amount of money that estimated  between  $3.5 billion to $10 billion  for managing SSI annually. Hence any innovation  that  help us in detecting SSI should be considered and supported.

One of the latest innovation is the (Color changing suture), which is an idea of young scientist (Dasia Tylor) her idea is polishing sutures with a beetroot-juice as a dye, because color of the juice naturally will change from Bright-red to Dark-purple after changing the PH to around 9 due to infection, while normal skin PH is 5, and that give a clear sign for doctors to detect the infection. Also it’s not the only benefit of it, apart from this the dye has anti-bacterial activity against k-12 E.coli. In conclusion Taylor’s innovation will level up health care service in  a great way, furthermore cost will be much less.